Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Story of Us and How Nanna Came to Be Part 2

If you missed part 1, you can find it here.

So, Princess is 16 and pregnant and I’m shocked. I thank God each day for the words he gave me early that morning. I simply said “Ok. Now what?” I didn’t scream or fight or say hurtful things. I was upset. I was heartbroken. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. I kept my composure and we moved forward.

Fast forward a week later and the Princess moved back home. Oh, how our world turned upside down. There was renewed drama. What would typically be 16 year old girl drama was compounded by pregnancy hormones and the fact she could no longer take her ADHD and anti-depression medicine. There were tears and loud sighs. Princess was used to making her own rules at BD’s (that’s Biological Dad in case you forgot) house. Now she was back in our home with our “Unreasonable” rules (her words, not mine). But, she was back in our home.

We did the typical pregnancy stuff. Sonograms, OB-GYN visits, heartbeats, and due dates. The Prince was right along in tow for it all. The blob on the sonogram was the size of a peanut, so our Peanut got a nickname. And then, something amazing happened. I fell in love. I fell in love with a blob on a screen that we call Peanut. And y’all, it’s amazing. It’s different than what I felt for my own kiddos, but it’s pure, true love.

Peanut will make an arrival on January 28, 2016!!

My advice to anyone in this situation is to remember, once you say something, it can only be forgiven, not forgotten. I’m so thankful that I never said anything hurtful to Princess. I’m proud that our relationship has grown stronger because of this pregnancy and my reaction. It hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s been really hard. I just know that even though I’m becoming a Nanna sooner than I had hoped, Peanut is a blessing and will be treated like nothing less.

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