Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Financial Assistance for Teen Moms

Teenage mothers face a multitude of concerns. One of the biggest concerns is the financial responsibility that comes along with raising a child. This can be especially scary for someone who may not even have finished high school. How do you raise a child if you don’t even have a job?
The good news is there are government programs in place to help. Everything from medical care to college assistance is available, if you just know where to look.

The first priority is prenatal care. It is so very important to have regular prenatal checkups. This increases your chances of carrying your baby to term with the least amount of problems. The cost of delivering a baby and regular checkups can be astronomical. Most insurance plans do not cover dependent maternity benefits. This means that even if you are on mom and dad’s insurance, your pregnancy may not be covered.

Medicaid is usually an option. In most states, the income of your parents does not matter if you are 18 or younger. Being pregnant and under 18 are the only qualifications. Medicaid pays for prenatal visits, delivery, and prescriptions. Usually, there is no co-pay (or if there is one, it is less than $10). Even if you have insurance that covers your pregnancy, go ahead and sign up for Medicaid. It will take care of your co-pays and deductibles of your other insurance. It also automatically covers the baby for 1 year.

WIC is another excellent option for pregnant teens. According to its website, “The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.If you qualify for Medicaid, you automatically qualify for WIC. This allows you to receive food, formula (if you aren’t breastfeeding), and education about nutrition at no cost.

There are other state and federal programs that may be able to help you. Most of these (food stamps, TANF, etc.) are based on income and include everyone in the household’s income. You may not qualify for these programs depending on the amount of income your parents receive. However, when you apply for Medicaid, you can ask for additional information about these programs and your case worker will be happy to help you.

College is another major worry. However, there are many scholarships and grants that can help through this journey. Here is a website that focuses directly on scholarships for single moms.

Hopefully, this helps during this difficult and scary journey. If you have any ideas, please leave a comment for the other readers. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Amazon Baby Deals Today

Amazon has some pretty sweet baby deals today. Click on over and check them out!

25% or More Off Swings, Jumpers & Bouncers

Fisher-Price Deluxe Newborn Vibrating Rock n' Play Sleeper - List Price $74.99 Only $55.00

How stinkin' cute is this?!? Love it and it ships free with Prime. If you aren't a Prime member yet, and you buy a lot from Amazon, you may want to consider it.

Save up to 35% on Stork Craft

Where else can you get a beautiful glider for less than $150 and shipped for free?!?

Here are some other things from Amazon I'm loving today too!

Links in this post are affiliate links. I do get reimbursed if you buy something from Amazon through these links; however, it does not affect the price of the product for you.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Baby Coupons this Week - July 27th

Here are the coupons I have found this week for baby items. Let me know if you have found any that might be helpful.

Huggies Diapers - $4.00 off any 2 packages of Huggies

Walgreens Well Beginnings Baby Wipes - $1.00 off 216 count or larger

Dreft Laundry Detergent - $2.00 off 1

Gerber Graduates - $2.00 off 6 Geber Graduate Grabbers

Similac Formula - $2.00 on large powder

Suave Kids Hair Products - $1.00 off 2

Beach-Nut Naturals Baby Food - $1.00 off 3

Happy Savings!

My Advice for Moms of Pregnant Teens

So, your teenage daughter is pregnant (or your teenage son will soon be a dad), now what?

First things first, just breathe. It’s going to be ok, or it’s not. Having a fit and coming unhinged changes NOTHING. The only thing you have control of is your attitude. That’s it. Nothing else.

So, here is my non-professional advice once you find out your teenager is having a baby:

1.       Shut up and listen. I am a planner and a talker and a fixer. But I really needed to listen to what the Princess was feeling. I needed to hear what she had to say about all of this. This was not my story, this was hers. The only way I could know what she needed from me, was for her to tell me. Teens aren’t very good at sharing to begin with. If you are doing all the talking, you are never going know what’s going on in that head.

2.       DO NOT say hurtful things. If you already did, apologize. Telling her she is stupid or irresponsible, or inconsiderate, or a disappointment, or a whore or slut or a million other terrible things changes nothing. She is still your daughter and she is still pregnant. You being pissed and saying hurtful, unnecessary things won’t make her less pregnant. It only destroys your relationship with your child.

Of course, you are upset and there are things you need to say. Say them privately to someone who you trust to not say anything. Talk to your spouse or a therapist or your friends. Just be sure that you don’t allow your child to hear you vent. What you feel in the heat of the moment may be completely different than what you feel when you have had time to think about it.

3.       Be prepared for the judgment and negative talk. This is especially true if you live in a small southern town. Regardless of her decisions or your support or lack thereof, someone will disagree with you. They will say you are making bad choices. Their kids can no longer hang around with your kids (apparently pregnancy is contagious or something). It will be heartbreaking, but you will survive. Do not let other people’s opinions make your choices. Do not let someone’s negativity steal your joy. It’s not fair to you, your children, or your future grandchildren.

4.       Have the difficult talk early. The one where you discuss adoption, abortion and all the options. This is not a fun talk. Realistically, teens are not emotionally mature enough to make these decisions. You have to be there to talk to them and explain all of the options and consequences of each of those choices. Abortion is not an option for our family, but it was a question I asked anyway. The reality is, it isn’t my choice. It’s not my body or my future or my heartbreak. Thankfully, it wasn’t the choice she made. Neither was adoption.

Once you have had the conversation and your daughter has made a choice, it is time to talk about things like school, doctors, college, and future plans. Have these talks early and often. Things are constantly changing and plans can be adjusted, but communication is a must. Pretending like she’s not pregnant for 9 months doesn’t help anyone.

This journey is going to be a tough one. There are so many options and opinions and choices that it can make your head spin off. There are hormones and mood swings and fear and anxiety. Your world will be turned upside down. If you decide to love your daughter or son through this, it will work out. There will be heartbreak and you will grieve for the childhood that is lost; but you get to watch your young lady grow into a mother. You will have an opportunity to experience a great blessing that each child is.

And if you decide that you want to disown your kid and kick them out, please know that I think you are a piece of shit. Just wanted you to know. J

Linked up at the Following Blogs:

This Momma's Rambling - Turn it Up Tuesday
A Momma's Story  - Momma Moments Monday

Friday, July 24, 2015

Baby Giveaways July 2015

Y'all, I'm all about the free stuff, and I love a giveaway on a blog. There are several items available to enter to win right now and I thought I'd share a few I have entered.

Frugal Mom Club - New Baby Essentials Giveaway

Do y'all see all this awesomeness?!?
Nikki is giving away a ton of stuff over at Frugal Mom Club. She is always hosting amazing giveaways and is also from the South, so I might just be a little bias :)

Frugal Mom Club - 4 Cases of Beech-Nut Organic Baby Food

Mommy on the Money - Baby Shower Giveaway

Mommy on the Money is giving away a whole big awesome package of stuff. Definitely go check it out. She also hosts a lot of giveaways. 

If you know of any giveaways you want to share, please post a link in the comments. Good Luck Y'all!

I have no affiliation with any of these blogs. I just liked what I saw, and I'm sharing.

Diaper Coupons This Week

It is NEVER too early to stock up on diapers. I try to buy 2 packs every 2 weeks. I do remember from my own that I had too many newborn diapers and not nearly enough larger sizes. I expect the Princess will receive newborn and size 1 diapers at her diaper shower, so I try to buy size 2 and up. Because, y'all diapers don't expire :).

Here are the diaper coupons I'm using this week:

Huggies Save $2.00

Seventh Generation - Free Trial

Pampers Save $2.00

Luvs Save $0.50

Please let us know in the comments in you found even better savings. I haven't found any sales to go along with these this week, so I will probably save my coupons for next time.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Free Baby Samples from Amazon

If you are a Prime Member with Amazon, you can sign up for the Free Baby Registry Welcome Box. It is normally $35, but with Prime Membership, you can get it for free!!

Just complete the Baby Registry and get awesome samples in the mail from Amazon in about a week.

This is what came in mine today:

You can get your own right here:

Links in these posts may be affiliate links and I may receive a commission for any purchases you make. It does not increase the cost of your products.

The Story of Us and How Nanna Came to Be Part 2

If you missed part 1, you can find it here.

So, Princess is 16 and pregnant and I’m shocked. I thank God each day for the words he gave me early that morning. I simply said “Ok. Now what?” I didn’t scream or fight or say hurtful things. I was upset. I was heartbroken. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. I kept my composure and we moved forward.

Fast forward a week later and the Princess moved back home. Oh, how our world turned upside down. There was renewed drama. What would typically be 16 year old girl drama was compounded by pregnancy hormones and the fact she could no longer take her ADHD and anti-depression medicine. There were tears and loud sighs. Princess was used to making her own rules at BD’s (that’s Biological Dad in case you forgot) house. Now she was back in our home with our “Unreasonable” rules (her words, not mine). But, she was back in our home.

We did the typical pregnancy stuff. Sonograms, OB-GYN visits, heartbeats, and due dates. The Prince was right along in tow for it all. The blob on the sonogram was the size of a peanut, so our Peanut got a nickname. And then, something amazing happened. I fell in love. I fell in love with a blob on a screen that we call Peanut. And y’all, it’s amazing. It’s different than what I felt for my own kiddos, but it’s pure, true love.

Peanut will make an arrival on January 28, 2016!!

My advice to anyone in this situation is to remember, once you say something, it can only be forgiven, not forgotten. I’m so thankful that I never said anything hurtful to Princess. I’m proud that our relationship has grown stronger because of this pregnancy and my reaction. It hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s been really hard. I just know that even though I’m becoming a Nanna sooner than I had hoped, Peanut is a blessing and will be treated like nothing less.

The Story of Us and How Nanna Came to Be Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a happy little family that lived in the South. There was a Daddy (HHBL), a Momma (that’s me y’all), a teenage girl (Princess), a teenage boy (Baller), and a younger boy (Super Brother).  

Princess went to live with her Biological Dad (I have a nickname for him, but I’m trying to keep it PG so we will just call him BD). Princess was living with BD because his rules are much more laid back than mine and HHBL’s. It was what she wanted and frankly, I just wanted peace, so we wished her all the best and kept our fingers crossed. She moved in with BD in April of 2014. It broke my heart. We felt like we were a man down, but there was peace. Y’all, girls are hard. Really, really hard. Options, like moving when BD, only make it harder. We struggled with whether we were making a wise decision. We dealt with judgment and condemnation and felt alone in our decision. And we didn’t see the Princess until October. For 15 years, the Princess had been by my side and suddenly, she was barely taking my calls. It was heartbreaking and I was destroyed.

Poor decisions were being made by both Princess and BD. I couldn’t do a thing about it. I just hoped and prayed and cried that she would be wise. I was thankful that the drama was gone, but I missed my baby. I just wanted to rewind time and change something, anything, to make her come home.

Then, something amazing happened…..Princess met a Prince, and she wanted him to meet her family. We loved him, but even more than that, we loved that we were seeing her. She was coming home EVERY weekend. It was wonderful. Life was good. Me and Princess would go shopping together, watch movies together, and just talk. I was loving it.

Then, Princess shows up at 8 am one Sunday morning. Of course, y’all with teenagers know that one being up that early is a miracle. She needed to talk. I was prepared. She must want to move back home, or maybe she needs money, or could it just be that BD is being a poo poo head and she needs some advice. Nope. She was pregnant. She had a pregnancy test to prove it.

My mind raced. What do I say? What do I do?

Stay tuned for part 2.