
About Me…….a little over 3 decades, I was born to a lovely dark haired woman and her tall dark and handsome husband……ok, ok that might be too much information. So here’s the short list:

I’m a 30-something southern lady (I use that word VERY loosely).
I’ve been married to my HHBL (hunka, hunka, burnin, love) for just over 10 years.
My biggest achievement is Momma to 3 kiddos (9, 14, and 16).
The 16 year old is pregnant (that gasp you just let out is what we did when we first found out too).
I work outside the home (I just lost half of my readers).
I would love to be a stay at home mom but I’m not cut out for it. I would literally go insane.
I wish I were a Susie Homemaker, but I lack both the inspiration and motivation (aka I’m too lazy).
I have potty mouth, but I love Jesus.
I am all about saving money and I sorta, kinda coupon a little, but I’m all about a sale and free money!!

I’m writing this blog as a way to express our fears, concerns and even excitement about raising a pregnant teenager. I hope that our story might help someone going through the same things we are and maybe even help some folks think twice before judging people in our situation.

Y’all enjoy….and share with your friends.


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